RYA Racing Charter

The RYA Racing Charter promotes rule observance and encourages sportsmanship and good communication between competitors and organisers.

RYA racing charter

The RYA Racing Charter and the RYA Racing Charter logo available for download.

Notice of Race Wording

Recommended wording in a Notice of Race to invoke the RYA Racing Charter is:

‘Competitors should note that the [name of organizing authority] implements the RYA Racing Charter and that they will be expected to sail in compliance with it. The charter can be found at the front of the RYA edition of the Racing Rules of Sailing 2021-2024 (the yellow pages after the definitions), or on the RYA website at www.rya.org.uk/racingrules.’

Entry Form Wording

Recommended wording in an Entry Form to enable competitors to declare their acceptance of the RYA Racing Charter:

‘I undertake to sail in compliance with the RYA Racing Charter.’

RYA Racing Charter Resources

Under the umbrella of its Racing Charter the RYA provides a range of guidance booklets and notes on the Racing Rules of Sailing and the organisation of racing, which can be found here.

Through our network of regional rules advisors and regional race management coordinators, whose contact details can be found below, the RYA is able to support clubs and classes with training which can be adapted and made bespoke for the types of racing commonly undertaken. For more information on some of our standard club courses please see here.

Our racing rules and race management advisory services can provide prompt, informal, advice to RYA members and affiliates.


Contact us
Racing - General Enquiries
023 8060 4100 racing@rya.org.uk
RYA East Regional Rules Advisor
01223 246145 graham@louths.org.uk
RYA East Regional Race Management Coordinator
07463 369419 p.jackson76956@gmail.com
RYA London & South East Regional Rules Advisor
07970 904970 chrisimon8@gmail.com
RYA London & South East Regional Race Management Coordinator
07515 022072 RaceOfficials@rya.org.uk
RYA Midlands Regional Rules Advisor
RYA Midlands Regional Race Management Coordinator
RYA North Regional Rules Advisor
RYA North East Regional Race Management Coordinator
RYA North Regional Rules Advisor
RYA North West Regional Race Management Coordinator
07798 644871 stoggall@zetnet.co.uk
RYA Northern Ireland Race Management Coordinator
07809 395294 robin@robingray.co.uk
RYA Northern Ireland Rules Advisor
07802 774749 denistodd15@gmail.com
RYA Scotland Coach Education and Development Manager
RYA Regional Rules Advisor ( Scotland)
07714 125381 craig.evans505@gmail.com
RYA South Regional Rules Advisor
RYA South Regional Race Management Coordinator
07860 959666 peter@saxtons.me
RYA South West Regional Rules Advisor
07889 325895 jonandcarol.haines@gmail.com
RYA South West Regional Race Management Coordinator
07775 645835 mike.lesley10@gmail.com
RYA Cymru Wales Rules Advisor
RYA Cymru Wales Race Management Coordinator