
Information on the Racing Rules of Sailing (RRS), Equipment Rules of Sailing (ERS), Offshore Special Regulations (OSR) and RYA Anti-doping Rules

World Sailing app & integrated eBook

The World Sailing app is the one stop shop on your phone or tablet to access the Racing Rules of Sailing, Equipment Rules of Sailing, Offshore Special Regulations, World Sailing & RYA Cases & Calls, RYA Racing Rules Guidance and RYA Race Management Guide.

Integrated e-book

The key difference to any other digital rules product is the integrated eBook which cleverly links all the documents together. This is available as an in-app purchase.

Racing Rules of Sailing

The Racing Rules of Sailing (RRS) are revised and published every four years by World Sailing, the international authority for the sport.

Member National Authorities (the RYA for the UK) are allowed to make variations to certain areas within the rules - to be known as 'National Prescriptions'. The RYA makes prescriptions to the RRS and publishes the RRS together with the prescriptions and other addenda in the RYA publication YR1 and through the integrated eBook on the World Sailing app. The RYA prescriptions can also be downloaded in isolation from here.

The changes introduced in 2021 are described in this guidance note which is contained within the RYA Racing Rules Guidance Book.  

Changes & corrections to the racing rules

From time to time, World Sailing publishes corrections and urgent changes to the RRS. See the World Sailing website for these changes

The World Sailing app will be automatically updated with any changes or corrections that are published.

World Sailing regulations

RRS 6.1 requires each competitors, boat owner and support persons to comply with those World Sailing regulations which have been designated as having the status of a rule.

Currently the following regulations are designated as being rules:

  • Advertising code
  • Anti-doping code
  • Betting and anti-corruption code
  • Disciplinary code
  • Eligibility code
  • Sailor categorization code

Racing Rules of Sailing links
Want to improve your rules knowledge?

Whether you are your club's rules expert, a squad sailor or just want to know a bit more, the introduction to racing rules video series will guide you through the racing rules to give you the best advantage on the race course.

Need to know what to do in a protest?

The protest room can seem a dark and mysterious place. Here we outline the basics behind the protest process and provide advice for what to do if you want to protest, or find out you are being protested.

Have a question on the rules?

Our racing rules advisory service is here to help members and affiliated organisations with any queries they have about specific rules scenarios.

Want to view & download the RYA Racing Charter

The RYA Racing Charter promotes rule observance, sportsmanship and good communication between organisers and competitors. Click here to view the charter and find out more about the resources and support provided by the RYA.

Want to find out about our rules disputes process?

The RYA has a structured process in place for dealing with incidents whilst racing on the water from advisory meetings, through arbitration to full protest hearings.

Want to access the RYA Case Book and RYA Racing Rules Guidance?

The RYA produces and publishes a case book based on appeals and a series of guidance notes which are of use to both competitors and race officials.

Want to download the RYA hearing forms?

The RYA provides template hearing request and hearing decision forms which can be used by competitors, events and protest committees.

Want to lodge an appeal?

The RYA decides appeals against protest committee decisions arising from events in the UK. Click here to find out the process and to submit an appeal against a protest committee decision.


Equipment Rules of Sailing

The World Sailing Equipment Rules of Sailing (ERS) are rules for the use of equipment in sailboat racing, equipment definitions, and rules on equipment control and inspection. The ERS are not part of the Racing Rules of Sailing.

Except where specifically referenced in the Racing Rules of Sailing, they apply only when explicitly invoked by one or more of the following:

  • Class rules or the rules of a rating system
  • The notice of race or sailing instructions for an event
  • National authority prescriptions

Like the Racing Rules of Sailing, the ERS are published by World Sailing every four years.

The ERS are available as part of the integrated eBook on the World Sailing App or from the World Sailing website.

Equipment Rules of Sailing links

Offshore Special Regulations

The purpose of the World Sailing Offshore Special Regulations (OSR) is to establish uniform minimum equipment, structural features, stability, accommodation and training standards for categories of events which Organising Authorities may select and modify to suit local conditions.

The scope of the OSR covers racing in seven categories from trans-oceanic races to inshore dinghy racing.

The OSR do not replace, but rather supplement, the requirements of governmental authorities, classification society certification, the racing rules of sailing, the equipment rules of sailing, class rules and rating systems.

The OSR are invoked by the notice of race for an event stating they apply and specifying the relevant OSR category for the event. Specific requirements of the OSR may be amended by the notice of race for an event. The OSR are published by World Sailing every two years.

The OSR are available from the World Sailing App or from the World Sailing website.

Offshore Special Regulations links

Anti-doping rules

The RYA Anti-doping Rules adopt and incorporate the World Sailing Anti-doping Code and the UK Anti-doping Rules.

For purposes of these RYA anti-doping rules, anyone in the United Kingdom who is deemed to have agreed (whether in writing or by their conduct) to be bound by the Racing Rules of Sailing shall be deemed to fall within that definition and therefore to be bound by the UK anti-doping rules as an athlete.

Anti-doping rules links

We work with World Sailing and UK Anti-Doping (UKAD) to promote clean sport and the Values of UKAD’s 100% Me programme.