Here you will find a list of RYA Cymru Wales assets that are for sale or loan along with the 'Policy for the Disposal and Loan of RYA Cymru Wales Assets'

Policy for the Disposal and Loan of RYA Cymru Wales Assets

Dinghies for Loan 

Topper - 49096

2 years old, Red Topper, comes race ready with - Loan fee will be £300 (per annum, April -April)

  • Hull and all its rigging
  • Covers 
  • Foils and foil bag
  • Spars and spar bag
  • Sail
  • Trolley

Topper - 49007

3 years old, Grey Topper, comes race ready with - Loan fee will be £300 (per annum, April -April)

  • Hull and all its rigging
  • Covers 
  • Foils and foil bag
  • Spars and spar bag
  • Sail
  • Trolley

Please read the above 'Policy for the Disposal and Loan of RYA Cymru Wales Assets'. The closing date for expressison of interest will be the 12th February at middnight. 

Apply here - 

Successful applicants will be contacted on the 13th of February. 

RYA Policy Committees

There a number of specialist policy forming committees supporting UK activities.