RYA Policy Committees

A number of specialist policy forming committees report to the Board

The RYA's main committees are shown below. Please note that the responsibilities shown against the main committees are for general guidance only and are not intended to be definitive.

Audit & Risk Committee (A&RC) Terms of reference

Draws the Board's attention to matters affecting the proper protection of the RYA's interests with regard to the material risks to the RYA, financial reporting and Board procedures.

External Affairs and Cruising Committee (EACC) Terms of Reference

Formerly the CGAC, the Committee is responsible for policy, advice and services relating to motor and sail cruising. Combines this role with representation of the RYA's views to government and other public bodies, and the management of legal issues including the provision of relevant legal information and advice to members and affiliated clubs and classes.

Supporting committees/sub-committees and advisory groups: Planning and Environmental; Inland Navigation

Nominations Committee (NomCom)

Responsible for all matters pertaining to the recruitment and appointment of the RYA Directors, succession planning and performance management.

Participation and Membership Committee (PMC) Terms of Reference Terms of Reference

The Participation and Membership committee focuses on the introduction, growth and retention of participants in all aspects of boating as well as membership of the Association.  Its work includes developing and advising on detailed RYA strategy, brand proposition, marketing, communication and tactical implementation plans necessary to achieve the RYA’s strategic objectives in relation to Participation and Membership.

Racing Committee (RC) Terms of Reference

Oversees the RYA's responsibilities as the national governing body for sail racing in the UK and responsible for the management of Team GBR and supporting development activities.

Supporting committees/sub-committees: International Group; Racing Rules; Judging and Umpiring; Race Management; Olympic Steering Group; Technical; Youth Racing.

Remuneration Committee (RemCom)

Leads on all matters pertaining to the remuneration of the Chief Executive Officer and executive directors and setting remuneration policies generally, giving due regard to relevant laws, regulations and published guidelines including the Code for Sports Governance regarding remuneration.

Training Committee (TC) Terms of Reference

Responsible for RYA policy, advice and services relating to training and safety issues, and for the management of the RYA Yachtmaster scheme and further training courses and qualifications including RYA Training Centre and individual instructor accreditation.

Supporting committees/sub-committees: Yachtmaster Qualification Panel.

RYA Tribunal Terms of Reference

Deals with disciplinary issues within the sport.


Please consult the Committee List for the current membership of RYA main, supporting and sub-committees.

The policy committees are sub-committees of the Board.  The minutes of each meeting are submitted to the Board and the Chairs of each policy committee attend a minimum of one Board meeting per year, together with the Department Manager, to report to the Directors.

Several policy committees have further sub-committees and/or expert panels, who deal with specific aspects of their main departmental activity.

The main function of the policy committees and sub-committees is to agree and oversee the implementation of RYA policy in their respective areas. Responsibility for day-to-day management of each area rests with the RYA's professional staff, with the relevant departmental manager acting as secretary to his or her committee.

Many issues of interest to RYA members involve more than one committee. In such cases, one of the interested committees will act as lead committee.

Committees have formal terms of reference, approved by the RYA Board, that define the nature and scope of their responsibilities and set specific criteria for membership. In general, members are required to have relevant experience or expertise in the area for which their committee is responsible. The terms of reference also limit the length of time a member may serve on a committee or as its chair, to ensure that there is an element of fresh blood to balance the experience of longer-standing members.

RYA Volunteer Charter

RYA Conduct Review Panel

All committee vacancies are advertised here.