Shorebased specialist short courses


An effective instructor must have credibility with students and a genuine interest and engagement with the subject is essential for this. Questions from students will often stray outside the core syllabus or be concerned with seeking advice about equipment or situations. Without enthusiasm and a depth of knowledge far above the RYA syllabus, this credibility could easily be lost. It is difficult to quantify in writing exactly what this means but without extensive practical experience of the subject, candidates are unlikely to be successful on this instructor course.

Due to the short time available on the courses below, there is limited opportunity to develop a candidate's teaching technique or to fill any gaps in knowledge. As such, the courses are a blend of assessing the candidate's knowledge and instructing ability whilst ensuring the structure and standard required of the course is understood. Candidates must therefore ensure they have sufficient underpinning knowledge prior to attending.

RYA Basic Sea Survival Instructor


quired certificates

*Please note the above certificates must be held and submitted at time of booking*  



Must be familiar with the operation of typical offshore safety equipment included in the Sea Survival handbook.

Training course

This is a three day combined course and assessment, revising existing knowledge, providing advice for teaching the RYA Sea Survival course and assessing knowledge and candidate's ability to deliver the RYA Sea Survival course. Candidates will be expected to be familiar with the operation of typical offshore safety equipment included in the Sea Survival Handbook and Boat Safety Handbook.

The course is always heavily subscribed so if you are interested in attending, please send your CV to

Qualified to teach

RYA/MCA Small Craft Basic Sea Survival course


For instructors qualified on or after 3 June 2019 the certificate is valid for five years, after which a revalidation course will be required.


All Basic Sea Survival Instructors will be required to revalidate at some point in the future. The date on which the revalidation will be introduced will be communicated via Wavelength and a Training Notice, so please ensure your contact details are up to date. At that point, instructors who have held their qualification for more than five years will be contacted first. All other instructors will be contacted as the fifth anniversary of their qualification approaches.

RYA membership


Diesel Engine Instructor

Minimum age


Required certificates

RYA Diesel Engine course certificate or higher marine engineering qualification, such as the MCA Approved Engine Course.

Teaching in the Classroom

Evidence of competence in recreational boating demonstrated by RYA Yachtmaster Offshore or an RYA Instructor certificate in a practical discipline.

 *Please note the above certificates must be held and submitted at time of booking*    


Good knowledge of the operation and maintenance of marine diesel engines. Candidates who come from an automotive background should be familiar with both direct and indirect marine cooling systems and salt water filtration.

Training course

This is a one day combined course and assessment, revising your existing knowledge, providing advice for RYA Diesel Engine courses and assessing knowledge and ability to deliver an RYA Diesel Engine course.

You will be required to undertake pre-course knowledge checks and exercises, details of which will be provided prior to the course.

Course dates and online booking

Qualified to teach

RYA Diesel Engine Maintenance course


For instructors qualified on or after 3 June 2019 the certificate is valid for five years, after which a revalidation course will be required.


 All Diesel Engine Instructors will be required to revalidate at some point in the future. The date on which the revalidation will be introduced will be communicated via Wavelength and a Training Notice, so please ensure your contact details are up to date. At that point, instructors who have held their qualification for more than five years will be contacted first. All other instructors will be contacted as the fifth anniversary of their qualification approaches.

RYA membership


First Aid Instructor

Minimum age


Required certificates

  • • A 3-day First Aid at Work certificate, issued by a UK Awarding Organisation or voluntary accreditation scheme (including voluntary aid organisations and trade bodies) which meets the UK Health and Safety Regulations, or STCW Proficiency in First Aid, or STCW Proficiency in Medical Care, valid for the last 5 years, or a valid license to practice in the UK as a Doctor, Nurse, Paramedic, or Physician Associate.
    If you are outside the UK and cannot access the certificates listed above, other equivalent qualifications may be considered on a case by case basis.
  • RYA Marine Radio SRC certificate or higher GMDSS radio certificate
  • Evidence of competence in recreational boating demonstrated by RYA Yachtmaster Offshore or an RYA Instructor certificate in a practical discipline.
  • Recommended: RYA Sea Survival or STCW Personal Survival Techniques course completion certificate, and certificated training in the use of an AED
  • Recommend RYA First Aid Certificate, or have observed a course being delivered in the last 5 years
  • Teaching in the Classroom

*Please note the above certificates must be held and submitted at time of booking*  



  • An appreciation of the restrictions to first aid in the marine environment

  • Recent, relevant boating experience

  • Awareness of current first aid practices shown in the latest edition of the RYA First Aid book.

Training course

One day course.

Exemption for medical professionals: Doctors and nurses with recent appropriate acute experience, and paramedics are exempt from the need for a first aid qualification, but attending an RYA First Aid course before coming on the Instructor's course is highly recommended. Once retired and no longer practising, a First Aid at Work or STCW Medical First Aid at Sea Certificate will be required after three years.

You will be required to undertake pre-course knowledge checks and exercises, details of which will be provided prior to the course.

Course dates and online booking system

Qualified to teach

RYA First Aid course


Five years, after which a revalidation course will be required. A valid First Aid certificate of the type listed above must be maintained.


All First Aid Instructors are required to revalidate every five years and will be contacted as the fifth anniversary of their qualification approaches.

How to revalidate

RYA membership


Marine Radio SRC Assessor

Minimum age
Required certificates
  • RYA Short Range Certificate or higher GMDSS marine radio operator's certificate
  • Teaching in the Classroom
  • Recommended to have completed or observed an RYA SRC course (online or classroom) within the last five years
  • One of the following:
    - RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Certificate of Competence, or
    - RYA practical instructor certificate in any discipline

*Please note the above certificates must be held and submitted at time of booking*  

Expected to be familiar with the operation of Class D radios and radio equipment typically carried in GMDSS area A1
Training course

Two day course and assessment

You will be required to undertake pre-course knowledge checks and exercises, details of which will be provided prior to the course.

Course dates and online booking

Qualified to teach
RYA Marine Radio Short Range Certificate
 Validity Five years, after which a revalidation course will be required.

All SRC Assessors are required to revalidate every five years and will be contacted as the fifth anniversary of their qualification approaches.

How to revalidate

RYA membership

RYA/World Sailing Offshore Personal Survival Instructor

Minimum age
Required certificates
  • First aid certificate
  • RYA/MCA Small Craft Basic Sea Survival Certificate
  • RYA/World Sailing Offshore Personal Survival Certificate
  • RYA Sea Survival Instructor Certificate

Significant offshore racing experience, as skipper, or races of four days or more, on a range of crewed yachts of differing sizes of vessel and crew

Sailing a range of weather conditions preferably in different latitudes

When applying for the instructor course, applicants must submit their offshore racing CV.

Training course

One day course and assessment.

The instructor course is organised centrally by the RYA and is always heavily subscribed. If you are interested in attending, please send your CV to

Qualified to teach
RYA/World Sailing Offshore Personal Survival Course
 Validity For instructors qualified on or after 3 June 2019 the certificate is valid for five years, after which a revalidation course will be required.
 All Offshore Personal Survival Instructors will be required to revalidate at some point in the future. The date on which the revalidation will be introduced will be communicated via Wavelength and a Training Notice, so please ensure your contact details are up to date. At that point, instructors who have held their qualification for more than five years will be contacted first. All other instructors will be contacted as the fifth anniversary of their qualification approaches.
RYA membership

Radar Instructor

Minimum age


Required certificates

  • RYA Radar course certificate or higher marine radar operators' course certificate.

  • Competence in boating demonstrated by holding RYA Yachtmaster Offshore or RYA Powerboat Advanced Instructor
  • Teaching in the Classroom

*Please note the above certificates must be held and submitted at time of booking*  



Small craft marine radar and knowledge well in excess of the RYA Radar syllabus. Candidates must be experienced operators of small craft marine radar for collision avoidance and pilotage in good and poor visibility.

Training course

This is a one day combined course and assessment, revising existing knowledge, providing advice for RYA Radar courses and assessing the candidate's knowledge and ability to deliver the RYA Radar course.

You will be required to undertake pre-course knowledge checks and exercises, details of which will be provided prior to the course.

Course dates and online booking

Qualified to teach

RYA Radar course


For instructors qualified on or after 3 June 2019 the certificate is valid for five years, after which a revalidation course will be required.


All Radar Instructors will be required to revalidate at some point in the future. The date on which the revalidation will be introduced will be communicated via Wavelength and a Training Notice, so please ensure your contact details are up to date. At that point, instructors who have held their qualification for more than five years will be contacted first. All other instructors will be contacted as the fifth anniversary of their qualification approaches.

RYA membership


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