Club Cruising

Take a look at how Safetrx can help to keep your members safe and connected whilst on their cruise

Anchoring & mooring

Encourage your members to anchor with care and preserve the wildlife in the seabeds below


Find all the information you need to support water safety at your venue

Race coaches

All you need to know about setting up a club race coach course

Club & class race officials

Take a look at how our courses can support and improve your club racing

Looking for a race coach or official?

Take a look at our up to date map and find someone local to you


Find out how OnBoard can support your club to get kids sailing

Use our coaching cards to support your sailors training

Find out how becoming a British Youth Sailing Recognised Club can get your sailors into club racing

Improve your young sailor's boat handling skills with these top video tips

Keep your youngsters entertained and learning when the weather doesn't play ball