Onboard with clubs & centres

Give your venue a boost - Get OnBoard

RYA OnBoard has been around since 2005, since then nearly a million young people have had a taste of the water with the programme.

Junior membership, revenue, greater community presence and making a difference to the lives of young people are just some of the ways participating organisations can benefit from RYA OnBoard.

OnBoard is not only about linking with your local school or youth organisation. OnBoard can simply be about energising your junior membership. 

What are the benefits of OnBoard?

  • Support from both RYA head office and your regional team
  • Funding from both within and outside the RYA
  • Free resources for instructors, parents and teachers
  • Instructor training delivered through a network of OB Tutors
  • Insight relevant research passed straight onto you
  • It makes sense for young people.


Become OnBoard


examples of children taking part in onboard activities

Join Onboard                   

If you are already an RYA Recognised Training Centre, you can join OnBoard today

Join in


a closeup of a small child pulling rigging

Boost your membership

Tips on how to grow junior membership and participation at your venue



examples of children taking part in onboard activities

Broaden learning                             

Learn more about how OnBoard can develop character education in young participants

Learn more


examples of childre4n taking part in onboard activities

Explore our resources

Take a look at all our OnBoard resources including our digital session cards      



Since launching OnBoard in 2015, the club has become much more visible in the local community and there has been a real groundswell of youngsters and their families around the club

John Ridgers, Training Principal, Shropshire SC

It really doesn't matter of you are based in the north or south, a commercial centre or a club; there is a lot we can learn from OnBoard

Katy Hanton, Lead Instructor, Buzz Active

At OnBoard, we’re passionate about introducing children to the joys of sailing and windsurfing, while emphasising the numerous benefits they can gain from being on the water. The key pillar, of the OnBoard brand is to be inviting. find out more.