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Available Audiobooks

Listen to our latest audiobooks:

RYA Wing and Windsurfing for Instructors cover

RYA Wing & Windsurfing for Instructors

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RYA Handy Guide to Marine Radio

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RYA audiobooks preview images

RYA Yacht Sailing Techniques

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Coming soon: A-CCPCN RYA Competent Crew Skills and A-G13 RYA Powerboat Handbook.

The aim of our audiobooks is to be a useful and easily accessible reminder, refresher, companion, or supporting tool, rather than a complete replacement for the print or eBook format. They are available through a number of channels.

We'd love to hear your feedback, suggestions, requests or recommendations for RYA audiobooks. Please email with any comments.

You can find a full list of available audiobooks below.

Foiling audiobook Handbook cover

RYA Foiling

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Collision Regulations Audiobook Handbook cover

RYA International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea (A-G2)

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Start Sailing Audiobook Handbook cover

RYA Start Sailing

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Advanced Sailing Audiobook Handbook cover

RYA Advanced Sailing

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National Sailing Scheme Instructor handbook cover

RYA National Sailing Scheme Instructor Handbook (A-G14)

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VHF Handbook Audiobook cover

RYA VHF Handbook

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Personal Watercraft Handbook cover

RYA Personal Watercraft Handbook

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Passage Planning Handbook cover

RYA Passage Planning

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Yachtmaster Handbook cover

RYA Yachtmaster Handbook

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