Instructing and Coaching


G14 RYA National Sailing Scheme Instructor Handbook

Reprinted December 2022

Throughout: Various changes have been made to update information on the RYA Racing courses, particularly changes in course names.

Reprinted April 2022

Page 5: The illustration has been amended to reflect the new racing scheme. On the far left, starting at the bottom and going up with the arrows, it now reads 'Start Racing', 'Club Racing', 'Regional Racing', and an added box with 'Championship Racing'.

Page 6: The illustration has been amended as page 5. 

Page 28: The illustration has been updated to reflect the new racing scheme. 

Page 128: The RIB and anchor in the illustration has been rotated by 180 degrees so they are facing downward.

Page 49: Under ‘Reviewing and Debriefing’, bullet point three, the text in brackets at the end of the bullet point has been amended to read: ‘(Visit the RYA Training Support site “CPD section for a webinar on Taking Notes)’

Page 61: Under ‘Introduction’, second to last paragraph of this section (‘Not all individuals...’). This paragraph has been amended to read:


Not all individuals will have formal diagnoses of a specific type of learning condition. Others may not be completely aware, and for some there is a reluctance to seek one, perhaps due to fear; denial from the parents or the individuals themselves; concerns of labelling; stigma associated with special education, or simply the emotional impact of such a diagnosis.


Page 66: Top illustration, the heeling force arrow has been amended from curved to straight.

Page 66: The bottom illustration has been updated.

Page 67: The top illustration has been updated.

Page 78: In the illustration, caption 1a has been updated.

Page 103: The numbered list on this page has been updated to provide clarification.

Page 105: The illustration on this page has been updated.

Page 106: Under 'Teaching Sequence', bullet point four has been updated to read: '4. As the boom lifts slightly, helm moves quickly across the boat, facing forwards as you turn.'

Page 107: The arrow at the bottom of the illustration has been changed.

Page 116: Numbered point one has been updated to read: '1. Both helm and crew move onto the hull, towards the windward back quarter to help break the seal of the air pocket.'

Page 130: The bottom right illustration has been corrected.

Page 146: Under 'Teaching Sequence', numbered point one has been amended to read: '1. Helm bears away in the hoist-drop zone (training run) and takes spinnaker sheet from crew, and continues to trim it.'

Page 146: The captions in the illustration have been amended.

Page 162: The RYA OnBoard information on this page has been updated.

Page 166: The RYA Instructor Code of Conduct has been updated to the September 2022 version.

Page 169: The RYA Equality Policy has been amended. Only a few words have changed – this is not a major amend.

Pages 171–178: These pages have been updated to included the most recent safeguarding policy and advice.

New Edition 2021

  • Completely updated layout and clearer design.
  • Double-handed and single-handed teaching method sections now have detailed illustrations rather than photographs – especially important for capsize recovery.
  • Adaptations for keelboats and multihulls are now with the sessions rather than in separate sections. They are also now illustrated.
  • Updates made to RYA Instructor Training Awards and Background Knowledge & Information sections – the latest information and guidance on things like best practice in safeguarding are now included.
  • Much more detailed sections on teaching advanced modules and further sessions. New information on roll tacking, roll gybing, and trapezing. All are now illustrated.
  • Techniques for Instructing & Coaching section updated with new information – much more on helping students to learn, how and why people learn, communication skills, emotional intelligence, providing feedback and the effectiveness of the ways of doing so, session planning, group control during practical sessions, and adapting sessions for individuals with diagnosed learning conditions.
  • An index has been added to aid referencing.

Reprinted March 2024

Throughout: This book has been updated throughout to reflect the RYA’s new logo and colours.
Page 165: The health declaration has been updated.
Page 167: The Code of Conduct has been updated.

Prior to executing the plan, the following information should be updated:


  • The condition of the vessel’s navigational equipment
  • The ETAs at critical points for tide heights and flow
  • Meteorological information, including periods of low visibility
  • Daytime versus night-time passing of danger points and any effect this may have on position-fixing accuracy

G19 RYA Power Schemes Instructor Handbook

You can buy the book here.

Reprinted December 2023

Throughout: This book has been updated to reflect the RYA’s new logo and brand colours.

Page 6: The Code of Conduct has been updated.

Page 9: The Instructor Health Declaration has been updated.

Page 9: The Carbon Monoxide section has been moved to page 10.

Page 41: The text under RYA Powerboat Instructor to RYA Personal Watercraft Instructor Conversion has been removed and replaced with:


The Instructor conversion route to RYA Personal Watercraft Instructor ceased on 31 December 2023. 


Page 152: Points five and six have been updated.

Reprinted November 2022

Page 5: The RYA Instructor Code of Conduct has been updated to the September 2022 version.

Page 9: An important section on carbon monoxide safety has been added.

Page 79: Two new bullet points have been added to this page regarding untrained/inexperienced helms and operating powerboats safely in a group.

Pages 146–152: These pages have been updated to included the most recent safeguarding policy and advice.

Page 158: Paragraph two, line two, the RYA URL have been updated to:

Reprinted March 2020

Throughout: References to 'coastal/inland' distinction have been removed.

Page 5: The RYA Instructor Code of Conduct has been updated. A new bullet point has been added which reads:


Hold appropriate insurance cover either individually or through the training centre in which they are working.


Page 6: The RYA Equality Policy has been updated to reflect current RYA policy. Both the 'Objectives' and 'Implementation' sections have been amended.

Page 7: The 'Gaining Recognition' section has been updated to include information on applying for recognition online.

Page 10: The 'Who Teaches Which Courses in the RYA Power Schemes?' table has been updated.

Pages 75–77: The content on these pages has been re-ordered.

Pages 114–126: The content on these pages has been re-ordered and amended, including the addition of a new 'Stopping Distances' section with a new illustration.

Pages 146–147: 'Appendix 1 – Safeguarding and Child Protection' has been amended to reflect current RYA policy.

Page 150: Bullet point five of the 'Sexual Abuse' section has been amended to read:


Sport situations which involve physical contact (e.g. supporting or guiding children) could potentially create situations where sexual abuse may go unnoticed. Abusive situations may also occur if adults misuse their power and position of trust over young people.


Page 152: The second to last paragraph on this page has been amended to read:


An allegation may range from mild verbal bullying to physical or sexual abuse. If you are concerned that a child may be being abused, it is NOT your responsibility to investigate further BUT it is your responsibility to act on your concerns and report them to the appropriate statutory authorities.


Pages 160–167: The index has been updated to reflect changes throughout the book.


G27 RYA Yachtmaster Scheme Instructor Handbook

Reprinted December 2023

Throughout: This book has been updated throughout to reflect the RYA’s new logo and colours.

Page 7: The Code of Conduct has been updated.

Page 12: The Health Declaration has been updated.

Reprinted October 2022

Pages 6 and 7: The RYA Instructor Code of Conduct has been updated to the latest version.

Pages 8 and 9: The RYA Equality Policy has been updated to the latest version.

Reprinted June 2021

Pages 6/7: The Instructor Code of Conduct has been updated.

Page 66: Section ‘14.2 Authorisation of Exams’ – a new paragraph at the end of this section to read:


Although the student/instructor ratio is 5:1, please remember that only four RYA Yachtmaster candidates can be examined in any one session.


Page 69: The section ‘14.8 Conversion Practical Examinations’ has been removed. A new section – '14.8 Practical Exam Prerequisites and Weblinks' has been added.