Dinghy Sailing


G11 RYA Youth Sailing Scheme Syllabus & Logbook

Reprinted June 2023

Throughout: This book and accompanying poster have been updated to reflect the RYA's new logo and brand colours.

Reprinted December 2022

Page 4: The RYA OnBoard information has been updated.

Page 10: Under the red heading ‘SAILING BACKGROUND’, sub-heading ‘General’, a new listed point at the bottom (under the listed point ending ‘...clothing for protection’) has been added. This reads:


Understands the basic principles of Sail Safe: The 7 Common Senses (please see the inside back cover).


Page 16: Under the red heading ‘SAILING BACKGROUND’, sub-heading ‘Sailing Theory’, under listed point one (ending …sternway, broaching’), a new listed point has been added. This reads:


Knows and can apply Sail Safe: The 7 Common Senses (please see the inside back cover).


Reprinted June 2022

Page 10: The text 'Understands how to and can recover a man overboard' has been moved from the 'Sailing Background' section to the 'Practical: Sailing Techniques and Manoeuvres' section.

Fourth Edition (Released February 2022)

Cover: New design and images.

Throughout: Some of the images have been updated.

All syllabus pages: To the left of each syllabus element, the requirement for a signature has been changed to a tick.

All syllabus pages: The space for a training centre stamp in the instructor signature box has been removed.

Page 3: The flow diagram has been updated to reflect changes to the Racing Syllabus.

Page 5: Last line on the page, the URL has been updated.

Pages 6, 8 and 10: An opening paragraph has been added to these pages.

Page 12: Under the heading ‘PRACTICAL’, ‘Rigging & Launching’, the wording ‘in any wind direction’ beneath the syllabus element ‘Recover’ has been removed.

Page 18: Under the heading ‘Sailing Techniques & Manoeuvres’, ‘Perform spinnaker:’ has been amended to read: ‘Perform the following as helm or crew:’

Page 18: Under the heading ‘Sailing Techniques & Manoeuvres’, beneath the syllabus element ‘Drop’, the wording ‘as crew or helm’ has been deleted.

Page 20: The first paragraph has been amended.

Page 20: Under the heading ‘Rigging’, the wording for the first syllabus element has been amended.

Page 20: Under the heading ‘Navigation’, the wording for the first syllabus element has been amended.

Pages 26–33: The Racing Syllabus has been updated, including changes to existing course names and a new course too.

Page 35 (previously page 33): The RYA URL within the bottom right text box has been updated.

Page 36 and 37 (previously page 34 and 35): These pages have been updated to include the latest information.

Course certificate pages: The course certificate pages at the back of the book have been amended to reflect changes to the Racing Syllabus. 

Reprinted January 2024

No content changes.

G12 RYA Advanced Sailing

Reprinted March 2023

Page 4: The introduction to the book has been updated.

Page 30: In the second list of bullet points on the page, under 'Before you start', a new bullet point has been added.

Page 31: The paragraph under 'Sailing without a Centreboard' has been expanded to include further information.

Reprinted March 2022

Page 130: National Sailing Scheme Model illustration added and amended to include the new racing model. 

Reprinted December 2020

Page 49: The first sentence on this page has been amended to read:


In this example, the height of the evening tide varies between 1.1m and 3.4m above chart datum, a range of 2.3m.


Page 49: The illustration at the bottom of this page has been amended. The second column, 'Rules of Tenths' has been amended to read 'Rule of Percentages'. The corresponding numbers in this column have been amended to percentages.

Page 131/132: Five new entries have been added to the glossary: 'Angle of attack', 'Bear away', 'CMG', 'Displacement (dinghy)', and 'VMG'. 

G3 RYA Start Sailing

Reprinted September 2022

No content changes.

Reprinted November 2021

Page 30: 'Check the centreboard is three-quarters up...' has been changed to 'Check the centreboard is one-third up...' 

G32 RYA Go Sailing!

Reprinted March 2023

Page 45: The text in the yellow 'splat' text box in the bottom right corner of the page has been amended.

Page 84: A couple of the website links have been updated on this page.

Reprinted November 2021

Page 84: 'www.rya.org.uk/go/junior' has been updated to 'www.rya.org.uk/racing/british-youth-sailing/junior'.

Page 84: 'www.rya.org.uk/racing/youth-junior/info/Pages/recognised-classes.aspx' has been updated to 'www.rya.org.uk/racing/british/youth/sailing/youth/youth-classes' and 'www.rya.org.uk/racing/british-youth-sailing/junior/junior-classes'

Reprinted December 2020

Page 3: In the last line of text, the URL has been updated to read: 'www.ellenmacarthurcancertrust.org'.

G4 RYA National Sailing Scheme Syllabus & Logbook

Reprinted January 2024

No content changes.

Reprinted June 2023

Throughout: The RYA logo has been updated on the cover and within the internal pages of this book to reflect the RYA's new branding.

Page 30: The introduction paragraph has been updated to clarify where the Start Racing course can be delivered. A suggested course length has also been added.

Page 31: An 'Experienced Sailor's Direct Assessment' section has been added to this page.

Page 32: The introduction paragraph has been updated to clarify who can teach the Club Racing course, and where it can be delivered. 

Page 34: The introduction paragraph has been updated to clarify who can teach the Regional Racing course, and where it can be delivered.

Page 36: The introduction paragraph has been updated to clarify who can teach the Championship Racing course, and where it can be delivered.

Fifth Edition (Released June 2022)

The new edition has been updated with the new courses from RYA Racing. Replacing Intermediate Racing and Advanced Racing are Club Racing, Regional Racing, and Championship Racing. There are new photographs and a new cover design.

G93 RYA Dinghy Techniques

Reprinted January 2024

Throughout: This book has been updated throughout to reflect the RYA’s new logo and colours.

Reprinted August 2022

No content changes.

Reprinted September 2021

No content changes.