These sail numbers are an important way of uniquely identifying a yacht for search and rescue purposes and are a requirement of the Racing Rules of Sailing, Rule 77 - Identification on Sails. The RYA recommend that all yachts have a unique sail number.
The RYA is responsible for issuing L,N,M (multihull) & X series with L being the current in sequence series. We are also responsible for updating historic Y & T series.
Allocation of a single number is free of charge to RYA Gold Members, £20.00 RYA Personal Members, and £40.00 to non members and companies.
It is also possible to obtain an Out Of Sequence sail number. These are a great way of personalising your vessel with a meaningful number. These are subject to availability, for further details and prices please contact either or call 02380 60 4200.
Applying for an in sequence number