Dinghy Trail courses

Gain confidence and knowledge by signing up to one of our courses

Join us for 2 days and gain confidence in your sailing skills and get an introduction to more advanced modules like seamanship skills and day sailing 

Improve your boat handling in a range of circumstances and develop the seamanship skills needed to solve problems afloat (2 days or 16 hours afloat) 

Gain the following knowledge that will enable you to plan a safe and fun days dinghy trail:

  • Equipment for Safety and Pilotage
  • Boat choice, setup and equipment stowage
  • Meteorology
  • Passage Planning
  • Pilotage in Practice
  • Buoyage
  • Decision Making During a Passage
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Understand how to plot your own trail as well as how to ensure you and your crew stay safe

  • Charts, buoyage and navigation
  • Safety, rules of the road, tides and weather forecasts
  • Pilotage, anchoring ad passage planning
  • Electronic navigation

As well as being a legal requirement, our VHF course will make sure you understand:

  • Basics of radio operation and frequencies
  • Distress, emergency and medical assistance procedures,
  • How to make ship to shore telephone calls
  • Digital Selective Calling
  • Global Maritime Distress Safety System
Join one of our first aid courses and learn how to deal with those unforeseen incidents 
Whether you are planning a long distance trip or keen to learn new skills our sea survival course will equip you with knowledge and practical skills that will help you cope with the most challenging of situations
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Any questions?
For Training services
023 8060 4181 training@rya.org.uk