
The RYANI and RYA represents local boaters on a number of issues, from marine planning applications to marine consultations

RYA Northern Ireland engages positively to promote and protect recreational boating within Northern Ireland while working alongside local Government departments, Local Authorities and other relevant stakeholders.

The RYA provides a range of practical advice and experience across the boating world. Further topics on a UK level are available in the main Representation section of the RYA website.

If you have any queries about these items or have information you think we should know about please email

The main function of a Coastwatcher is to be the local ‘eyes and ears’ of the RYA NI Cruising and Environment Committee in their area 

Information regarding the outcomes of the HMRC red Diesel Consultation and its impacts on boaters in Northern Ireland

The Northern Ireland Protocol has presented a number of concerns for local boaters


Find out the latest on post-Brexit issues and how it impacts you. 

Learn more about how to make your boating more sustainable with practical advice and resources for clubs and boaters.