Clubs and Centres

Information is here to support administrators of clubs and training centres.

Clubs may affiliate to RYA, and those based in Northern Ireland would then automatically become affiliated to RYA Northern Ireland.   Organisations wishing to become an RYA club or centre can contact RYANI for advice.

Clubs and centres should register their latest contact details with both RYA and RYANI in order to receive the latest updates. For Training centres there are forms to complete for significant changes.

Club development forums and support programmes are delivered by RYA and RYANI, and a number of ezines and publications are available.

Resources are provided by RYA and RYANI, with support from Sport NI and other funders. 

Please watch ‘latest news’, social media, and the remainder of this website for details.


Affiliating to the RYA

Take a look at how your organsiation can benefit from affiliation and the simple steps to sign up......

Club Resources

RYA Northern Ireland host Club Development Forums to support clubs, centres and volunteers on specific areas of knowledge and advice

The RYA OnBoard scheme is rolling out across NI. Find out more on how to become an centre and engage with new youth sailors and windsurfers

Organisations (sometimes clubs) which provide formal RYA training need to be current Recognised Training Centres (RTCs), with recognition for the relevant discipline(s). Principals of training centres have access to a Training Support area on the RYA website, where they will find forms, advice, Training Notes and Guidance.

Northern Ireland has a number of recognised Sailability Centres helping get people with a disability afloat

As part of its drive to increase the number of clubs providing high quality junior and youth race training programmes, the RYANI works in partnership with sailing clubs through the RYA Pathway Club Scheme.

The Clubmark NI scheme provides clubs with accreditation, and those seeking to apply for or renew accreditation should contact their local council sports advisory committee.

RYANI latest updates

Read the latest about what is going on in Northern Ireland

Become a Joining Point

RYA Joining Points give commission to clubs for signing up new RYA Members.

RYANI Club Insights

Trends in club membership and other external factors can affect the development of clubs.

The Green Blue

Enviromental Advice from the RYA.


RYA affiliated clubs  access to ‘ClubZone’, which contains helpful advice and support material. Access requires a password held by each club.


Motivated and enthusiastic volunteers are the heart of our activity and play a key role in developing and maintaining thriving and successful clubs.

Learn how the RYA supports sailing clubs and centres around the UK.