Equality, Diversity & Inclusion

The RYA Cymru Wales is committed to equality of opportunity.

RYA Cymru Wales aims to ensure that all present and potential participants, members, instructors, coaches, competitors, officials, volunteers and employees are treated fairly and on an equal basis, irrespective of sex, age, disability, race, religion or belief, sexual orientation, pregnancy and maternity, marriage and civil partnership, gender reassignment. 

In partnership with RYA, RYA Scotland and RYA North Ireland we have also developed guidance for RYA affiliated clubs and Recognised Training Centres on inclusion of people from different ethnic or religious backgrounds and trans people.

The RYA Sailability programme, which first and foremost considers the needs and abilities of the individual with disabilities has in the last 4 years delivered over 6000+ participation opportunities. 

RYA programmes like OnBoard and Discover Sailing make a real impact and hold significant potential for welcoming under-represented groups to the boating community.  


Mae Cymdeithas Hwylio Frenhinol Cymru Wales wedi ymrwymo i’r egwyddor o gyfle cyfartal.

Nod RYA Cymru Wales ydy sicrhau y bydd pawbsy’n gyfranogwyr neu'n ddarpar gyfranogwyr, aelodau, hyfforddwyr, addysgwyr,cystadleuwyr, swyddogion, gwirfoddolwyr a gweithlu yn cael eu trin yn gyfartalwaeth beth fo’u statws o ran eu rhyw, oedran, anabledd,hil, crefydd neu gred, cyfeiriadedd rhywiol, beichiogrwydd a mamolaeth, priodas a phartneriaethsifil, ailbennu rhyw.

Mewn partneriaeth â RYA, RYA Yr Alban a RYA Gogledd Iwerddon, rydyn ni hefyd wedi datblygu canllawiau ar gyfer clybiau cyswllt RYA a Chanolfannau Hyfforddi Cydnabyddedig ar bwnc cynnwys pobl o wahanolgefndiroedd ethnig neu grefyddol a phobl thrawsryweddol. 

Dros y pedair blynedd diwethaf, mae rhaglen RYA Sailability, sydd yn bennaf yn rhoi ystyriaeth i anghenion unigolion aganableddau, wedi darparu dros 6000 o gyfleoedd i rai gymryd rhan. 

Mae rhaglenni RYA fel Onboard a Darganfod Hwylio wedicael cryn effaith ac mae iddyn nhw botensial gwirioneddol ar gyfer croesawugrwpiau sydd wedi eu tan-gynrychioli i ymuno â'r gymuned hwylio cychod.

Information, Support and Guidance for RYA Members, Clubs, Centres, Class Associations and anyone within the wider boating community

Equality & Diversity Policy

Bilingual / Dwyieithog