Individual handling plan

Each person should have a specific handling plan to match their individual needs as well as the needs of the volunteers/staff involved.

This should take account of the views and preferences of the individual being hoisted.

For most people who need hoisting in a Sailability environment it is expected they will already have an individual handling plan that covers being lifted outside the home environment. There is no need to produce a new plan in such circumstances.

There may be circumstances where a person is not normally lifted using a hoist, and so does not have an individual handling plan. An Individual Handling plan should be created if this is the case, but it can be based on a standard set of hazards if it allows for individual control measures.

An individual handling plan should include the following:

  • Specific equipment to be used
  • Techniques to be used
  • Number of volunteers/staff to facilitate the lift
  • Sling attachment loops to be used and where applicable
  • Leg/arm/head position to be maintained during the lift

Individual handling plans should be reviewed regularly or when an individuals’ circumstances change or when anyone involved expresses concerns about the process.

An individual already has their own Handling Plan that covers being lifted outside the home environment

  • The existing plan should be discussed with the staff / volunteers at the Sailability site.

An individual does not have an Individual Handling Plan

  • RYA Sailability have produced a plan that covers a standard set of hazards and allows for specific and individual control measures as needed. If a person needs to be hoisted but doesn’t have an existing individual handling plan, the standard plan should discussed with the individual and adapted as necessary.
  • An individual should only be hoisted without a lifting plan in the event of an emergency. Consideration of the above points should be given and, where possible, consultation with the sailor should take place.



Download the standard individual lifting plan (word doc)

Download - standard personal lifting plan

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