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We found 11 results for Yacht Racing filtered by All

Celebrations were in full flow at Strangford Lough Sailing Club (SLYC) as members marked the 100th Anniversary of the River Class.

RYA, RORC Rating Office and SW Yacht Time Correction Factor join forces for YTC launch

The requirements around coding and racing can often cause confusion and become a minefield for those who are not lawyers or working in the industry. Merchant shipping regulations, Blue code, MGN280, racing charter licences… What does it all mean?

Two young women from Wales have made history by becoming the youngest team to complete the Royal Western Yacht Club Round Britain and Ireland race – one of the hardest sailing races in Northern Europe.

Yachts competing in OSR Category 0-2 races are required to undergo an inspection by a qualified person of the keel and rudder within two years prior to the start of the race.